Beyond The Menu is series of accessible gatherings, talks, and events to celebrate Pittsburgh’s food and beverage culture. Our events are mostly free or with limited entry fees, to create an inclusive environment for all residents of our region to share in the discussion of what food means to our City.
With you, we’ll reflect on the industry’s growth and share ideas about what it means to have a thriving food culture in a major metropolitan region. Most importantly, we want to tell our stories, learn from others, and determine how we can continue improving our city, while providing accessibility to all.
During each event, we will be crowdsourcing through our Twitter feed @BeyondthemenuPG
to establish a shared Manifesto for what Pittsburgh food should mean for our region in the future [#pittsburghfoodmanifesto]. The goal is to provoke conversations about who’s left out, how we can affect change, and where we might go in the future through innovation and collaboration.
Beyond the Menu is presented by Flaherty & O’Hara, providing liquor licensing transactional, litigation counseling and related services to clients in the beverage alcohol industry. Supporting sponsors include Smallman Galley, the Nation’s first restaurant incubator, New Sun Rising, a social venture start-up program, MIT Enterprise Forum, Thrill Mill, First Course, an online education platform to teach food entrepreneurs business skills, and Shift Collaborative. The event is also part of the City of Pittsburgh’s signature Bicentennial Events happening in 2016.
Presenting Sponsor